Dielectric Solvent

  • Category : Dielectrics
  • Application : Electronic and Mechanical Systems
Dielectric Solvent

This detergent and dielectric solvent-based high-purity product was carefully developed to allow reliable performance, as it is designed to clean metallic surfaces without causing corrosion or electrical conductivity problems, as it features high natural degreasing power.


Recommended to upkeep electronic and mechanical equipment found in workshops or industrial sites, ensuring total cleanness without damaging components and increasing their service life.

ID 1510533
Color ASTM Incoloro
Appearance Clear
Density, @ 20°C, g/mL 1.09
Kinematic Viscosity @ 40° C, cSt 5
Solubility Insoluble
Pour point, °C 60
Rust test 1b
Estability 1 year
Technical Data Sheet Download
Safety Data Sheet Download
*Typical Characteristics are those obtained with normal tolerance of production and no constitute a specification.


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